We’re thankful for people who think outside the box

We’re thankful for people who think outside the box

This week, we are thankful for…people who think outside the box. Here in Austin, there is an extremely popular burger popup called Bad Larry’s. It’s open once every two weeks, you place your order 30 hours in advance, and they sell out in two minutes.
Plumbing and electrical wires in an exposed wall

They have taken the concept of “restaurant” and turned it on its head. And they are thriving. There is so much to learn from successful disruptors like them. Who says you have to do things the way they’ve always been done? Who gets to decide what the rules are? This week, we’re feeling inspired by the people who choose to do their work differently. And we’re grateful for delicious cheeseburgers. Always. 

If you haven’t already, check out what we’re reading this week in the +Good Newsletter.

We’re thankful for public parks

We’re thankful for public parks

This week, we are thankful for…public parks. We are pretty strict when it comes to pandemic precautions, so we have spent an inordinate amount of time in public parks this year.

Plumbing and electrical wires in an exposed wall

And while we are eager to go inside buildings someday, we have grown to love outdoor meetings, picnics, reading in hammocks, and lazy Saturdays spent on a blanket in the grass. There is something special about being in a shared public space, outside around people, even when those people are strangers who are 30 feet away from you.