Hello friends! Are you ready for some well-deserved rest? Regardless of how or what you celebrate, we hope this weekend is full of peace, joy, great...
Work Smarter

A conversation with ChatGPT about nonprofit organizations
There have been lots of discussions lately about ChatGPT, its capabilities, the possibilities the technology holds, and, equally as important, its...

You need to do a content audit
One of the first projects our Chief Strategist, Ian, completed as a young marketer was a how-to guide for MySpace. It was a PowerPoint. And he...

About That Work Emergency.
It’s no surprise that we’re fierce advocates of protecting our time. And one of our favorite things to remind our teams is that there is no such...

Working Asynchronously in the Nonprofit Community
Here at Swell+Good, we talk a lot about work processes. How do we make our team more efficient? How do we improve quality? How can we better serve...

The January Productivity Trap
We know we're belated on our 2022 well wishes, but we took January off from the newsletter (all the praise hands for self-created breaks!). Now,...

Six ways transcription services save nonprofits time
Enough is enough. This has gone on for too long, nonprofits. You know what this is about. Your typing fingers work too hard. They need a...