The Metaverse and 4 other things you need to read

The Metaverse and 4 other things you need to read

1. The metaverse and the not-so-distant future of the internet. 💻

First things first, what is a metaverse? It’s an old sci-fi term for a seamless virtual world experienced by first-person users with augmented reality technology. And according to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s transition from social media into “a metaverse company”, is not as far away as you might think. So what does this mean for you? And how long do we have to wait before this is our reality? 

Dive into the metaverse. [via Digiday]

2. Maximize the ROI from your newsletter! 💪

If you underestimate your email marketing returns, you might be shutting your eyes to some huge potential. Businesses get an average of $42 out of every dollar put into a well-planned email marketing strategy—and we’d love for you to be part of that statistic! Learn about unique strategy building, success metrics to pay attention to, and how to help your emails meet their targets by checking out the link below! (And, as always, we’d love to help you get your email marketing rocking and rolling!)

15 ways to get even more ROI from your emails. [via Databox]

3. Don’t 🛑 make the most common monthly giving mistake.

Is it sending your donors too many messages? Putting the wrong titles in your newsletters? The answer is actually much more simple, and it’s something you can work on right now! Read below about the single easiest tactic to start boosting your monthly donations. 

What’s the most common monthly giving mistake? [via A Direct Solution]

4. Start using episodic content. 🍿🍿

We’re all guilty of binge-watching our favorite shows, but what if you could bottle that anticipation and use it to keep your donors hooked? You don’t have to run a TV show, you just have to keep your audience engaged with content that makes the most of your organization’s stories! 

Learn how to leverage episodic content from the experts. [via Content Marketing Institute]

5. How to test for barriers in your email 📝 flow.

If your emails are not producing your desired results, there are three likely culprits: barriers to deliverability, display issues, or lack of engagement. But how can you diagnose the problem? We’ve collected an email testing toolkit to help you 1) find what’s blocking your flow and 2) avoid easy email testing mistakes.

Start sending better emails. [via Smashing Magazine]