Email privacy protections and four other things you need to read

Email privacy protections and four other things you need to read

1. Navigate 🧭 email privacy protections. 

Last week, Apple announced its new Mail Privacy Protection feature, which will offer users more control over their personal data and is set to launch later this year. So what will this mean for email marketers? Simply put, senders won’t be able to track email open rates from Apple Mail, and content dependent on location won’t be accurately displayed when an email is opened on Apple Mail. Scary? Yes. But deliverability and data protection experts say this rollout shouldn’t have a big impact on the overall state of email marketing. 

Don’t get lost in the woods. [via mailjet]

2. Upgrade your image 🏞 backgrounds.

Not a photoshop expert? No problem! Designify is a photo-editing tool that uses premium AI technology to help you edit backgrounds out of photos for professional-quality images. It’s not only free to use, but images uploaded to the site are safe and secure. Drop in one of your images and try it out now!

Test our Designify. [via Designify]

3. Five quick and easy steps to optimizing website images. 📷

Do the images on your website come out…different…than you hoped? Smaller? Larger? Blurrier? Stretchier? We love funhouse mirrors at carnivals, but not here. You shouldn’t have to guess how your site’s images will upload, so it’s time to learn the basics of image optimization. Dive into image compression tools for PNGs and JPEGs, “Lazy Loading” plugins, and how image quality can help your pages load faster!

Learn how to optimize images for a website. [via the Daily Egg]

4. Now you can 📈 fundraise in groups on Instagram!

It’s happening!!! Instagram released an update that makes the world a little better (and no, we’re not talking about new filters, but you look fabulous). The app is rolling out a brand new feature that allows users to share fundraisers with friends in posts. And best of all, 100% of all money raised for nonprofits goes directly to those organizations! Learn how to create and share fundraising posts without leaving the app.

Get ready for group fundraisers on Instagram! [via ADWEEK]

5. Get more eyes on your 📧 emails​.

Your email marketing campaigns only work if people receive them. But the higher your bounce rate—the percentage of emails that subscribers from your email list don’t receive—the more likely you are to damage your domain reputation. Emails can bounce for various reasons, including full mailboxes or outdated addresses, but these nine expert-approved tips will help you reduce bounce rates and get more people to see your emails. 

Don’t bounce away. [via Databox]