Giving praise is worth the effort

Giving praise is worth the effort

Think about a colleague or a member of your team (or a friend…that works too).

What do you appreciate about them? What are their secret skills? What project or assignment or initiative have they knocked out of the park recently? What makes them especially awesome?

Chances are, this is a pretty simple exercise. We work with rockstars and it’s easy to think about what makes them so special.

Here’s the harder question: When was the last time you told them what’s in your head right now? When was the last time you sat down to articulate thoughtful, specific praise to your team? 

Friends, those shout-outs matter.

Giving praise is worth the effort. 

Thumbs up

We all need reminding that we are good at our jobs — and it always feels good to know that we’re appreciated. Especially these days, when we’re working in our isolated home-bubbles, a vote of confidence from a boss or colleague can make all the difference. 

As an added bonus, giving praise makes you feel good, too! It’s that same gratitude magic in a different package. But for whatever reason, we don’t make the time to give praise. We assume people already know what we appreciate about them.

This week, stop assuming. Send a Slack message, write an email, pick up the phone. Let your team know how awesome they are.